Test lunch #11
Tasters: Lisa, Kristin and Mr. H
Chicken Tetrazzini
Pea Salad
Orange Chocolate Chipper Cookie
Recipes, notes and feedback:
Chicken Tet: A highly modified recipe. 1 bag fusilli noodles cooked and combined with: 1 can cream of mushroom soup, 1 cup sour cream, 10 oz sliced mushrooms sauteed with garlic and salt, ~2 lbs chicken thighs sauteed and chopped, ~1/4 cup fresh parsley. Bake with parmesan on top. This was easy but not that delicious. A bit dry after baking (although too creamy before). I should err on the side of extra creamy since things tend to dry out over night.
Pea Salad: Frozen peas (I didn't even defrost) equal parts mayo and plain yogurt (a few tbsps each), celery, green onion and peanuts. Salt and pepper. Mr. H loved this. It needed more celery and the peanuts got mushy.
Orange Chocolate Chipper Cookie: Recipe from Coffee House cookbook. A soft, flavorful cookie.
Lessons Learned:
I need to plan the whole menu rather than just making items that sound good--it wasn't good to have two creamy dishes.
I can realistically make three items for the lunch but four is too many. If I'm going to include four items one needs to be super simple or pre done (like a piece of fruit).
Goals for next week:
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